General surgery
General surgery is a field of medicine that deals with diagnosis and surgical treatment. Its scope of activities includes diseases related to abdominal organs, such as the thyroid, gallbladder or appendix.
General surgery is a field of medicine that deals with a variety of surgical procedures involving many organs and body systems. Our FLOSMED Clinic specializes in general surgery procedures, providing comprehensive medical and surgical care
Dr. Piotr Suszczewicz
Specialist surgeon, phlebologist, clinical transplantologist and specialist in ultrasound examinations: Doppler of veins and arteries of the lower limbs, carotid and vertebral arteries, abdominal aorta, fistulas for hemodialysis, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, thyroid, lymph nodes, testicles, soft tissues
Scholarship holder: University Hospital Galway Ireland, Klinikum Grosshadern Munich
Training internship at the University Hospital Ayr in Scotland.
Qualification for surgical treatment:
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair using TEP and TAPP
Operations of chronic insufficiency - varicose veins of the lower limbs
Laparoscopic gallbladder removal
Removal of the thyroid gland
Removal of cancerous tumors of the large intestine
Removal of birthmarks, warts, lipomas, atheromas
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Surgical consultation
260 PLNSurgical consultation + ultrasound
360 PLN• USG/Doppler of the veins of the lower limb • USG/Doppler of both limbs, • USG/Doppler of the carotid and vertebral arteries • USG/Doppler of the abdominal aorta and iliac arteries • USG/Doppler of the portal system and hepatic veins • USG/Doppler of the splanchnic vessels • USG/Doppler kidneys • Liver ultrasound/DopplerRemoval of skin lesions around the ears, face and neck (atheromas, fibromas, warts) with histopathological examination
from PLN 550Sample collection + histopathological examination
from PLN 360Skin biopsy
from PLN 550Fine-needle biopsy of thyroid nodules with histopathological evaluation
from PLN 360one puncture, each subsequent puncture + PLN 50Phlebological consultation
260 PLNPhlebology consultation + ultrasound
310 PLN• Testicular ultrasound • Abdominal ultrasound • Thyroid ultrasound • Soft tissue ultrasound • Lymph node ultrasound • Salivary gland ultrasound • Pelvic ultrasound
Contact us
- st. Barwicka 14A, 60-192 Poznań
Contact number
Email for booking
Work hours
- Mon. - Fri: 10 - 20, Sat: 10 - 14